Our dentists may recommend SureSmile® clear aligners as an alternative to traditional braces. These clear aligners are more discreet and are often a great option for teenagers who want to avoid wearing braces and still straighten their teeth. SureSmile aligners are custom designed to fit your child’s smile and are made from smooth, thin plastic to provide a treatment that is comfortable and virtually invisible.

SureSmile can be used to treat the same orthodontic problems that are traditionally treated with braces, including:

As your child progresses through their treatment, they will switch to a new set of aligners every couple of weeks. Each new aligner will make small corrections to the alignment of their teeth, gradually moving them into their proper positions until your child achieves a beautiful, healthy smile. You will also bring your child to meet with our dentists every few weeks so that we can monitor the progress of their treatment.

SureSmile aligners are removable, so your child or teenager can eat and drink what they want and brush and floss with ease. Please remember that aligners should be cleaned regularly. If left dirty, your child’s aligners can cause their teeth to appear stained or discolored.

For more information about SureSmile and to make an appointment, please contact our office today.